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October 16, 2016


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Yvonne Clinkscales

Very good Valarie and so true. "We don't know what we don't know". I always enjoy reading your stories. They are always so good and I can relate to most of them in some way. Congratulations on your book and may it be very successful. Just continue the good work.

Deb Welch

Valerie, I have read and admired your work for years. It is so hard for me to imagine you struggling with self-doubt or feeling "less than." Thank you so much for your honesty and generosity in sharing your journey. I'm a little behind on the blog, but this word of encouragement tonight could not have been more perfectly timed for me, and I deeply appreciate it. Blessings!


Thank you so much, Deb! You made my morning. I'm thrilled that you have been enjoying the blog all this time. And I know we're all busy, so I appreciate the time you spend with Goin' Down to Mama's:) Have a great week!


Thanks so much, Yvonne! I'm a little behind on my blog because of all we've had going on. Maybe I can do a book signing at First Baptist, and you and Jane and I can do a number!

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