Oblivion. That's the word of the day:) I have done my share of whining about the meanness in the world these days, and there's plenty to whine about. But sometimes I think oblivion is just as bad—when we're completely unaware of the people around us—what they're going through and what they might need from us. I feel it every time I nearly get mowed down by someone who's so busy cyber talking to people who aren't physically present that they don't realize they're about to step on a real live person right in front of them. And I'm guilty of it every time I toss a "how's it goin'" to a colleague at work and keep walking. I should stop and take the time to see how it's really going for them that day.
When somebody's outright mean to you, at least you have something concrete to deal with. But when they're just oblivious, you're rendered invisible, and that can feel even worse. Throughout the year there will be X Awareness Months—designated times to heighten our awareness of particular needs or causes. Maybe we should add Each Other Awareness to that list. I know I need to.
Committing to making myself more aware of the people around me this Sunday morning.