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October 17, 2021


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Brenda w

I have been so concerned about you and your family. I knew something serious would be keeping you from posting here.

So good to see your update. I will re-read in a bit. Just wanted to let you know you were missed.

Never posted before. I have followed you here for a long time. I think I looked you up online after an article in Southern Living about aprons.

I went to Baylor for undergraduate degree. Retired social worker now living in Amarillo.

Sending prayers

Shirley Bunn

Have missed you! Thankful your husband is doing better!

Rhonda Barnes

So glad to hear that your husband is doing better, praying for sustaining health and unwavering patience and encouragement. These days many have a story similar in the health department what with COVID. My cousin suffered pulmonary emboli (many) that precipitated his cardiac arrest 2 times, on a vent for over a month, now he's home thank the Lord working through the hard part of rehabilitation. I am also a retired nurse and completely understand exactly what you all are going through. The road is long, one step in front of the other with prayer, you all will prevail. Love, strength, and prayers for you two.

Valerie Luesse

Thank you so much, Rhonda. I'm glad to hear your cousin is getting better. And your encouragement is a blessing to me this week.

Valerie Luesse

Brenda, I so appreciate your prayers. And thank you for following my posts. Always glad to hear from a fellow Bear:)

Valerie Luesse

Thank you for your concern, Shirley! Glad to be back.

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I come from a long line of feisty Southern women—women with wit and wisdom, faith and strength.

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