Long time, no Serenity:) How are you? I’ve been a little busy. Too busy to write on Sunday mornings. Busy with the business of healing.
I always thought of healing as a passive process, but it’s not. It’s a daily, active, arm-yourself-with-knowledge-and-prayer-then-hit-the-battlefield-and-fight-till-you’re-exhausted proposition.
At the end of June, just as we were beginning long overdue home repairs and a kitchen remodel, a cluster of health issues that had been slowly building in Dave suddenly converged like one of those storm systems that puts James Spann and the Doppler on high alert. We found ourselves very much inside the polygon. Dave had serious pressure wounds—a sadly common issue for paraplegics—along with major infection and—big surprise—a heart condition that was responsible for so many symptoms he had been struggling with, symptoms that had been attributed to other causes.
We summered at St. Vincent’s. He spent July there battling infection and a host of other issues so that he would be well enough for an amazing heart procedure that required only 2 nights in the hospital. Some people go home after one. Can you imagine? They consider it outpatient surgery, and you leave with a new heart valve.
So now we’re on the last and likely longest leg of the journey—healing wounds and restoring strength.
The cool weather makes me hopeful. It’s a new season of color and light. Dave has one more mountain to climb—not the whole soaring range he faced in June. And when I look back on the past few months, yes, I see a lot of hardship, but I also see so many blessings.
We couldn’t get into the hospital I originally chose, so we ended up at the right one instead, with a lead doctor who put together a team of six or seven specialists to pool their knowledge and get Dave well.
Our family and friends have supported us with everything from food to flowers to offers of financial safety nets, should we need them.
Our church family has been praying for us and sending messages of encouragement, love, and support.
My cousins have stepped in to make sure Mama and Daddy have everything they need when I can’t be there. They're constantly sending texts and Facebook messages just to let us know they’re right there if we need them, while Dave's siblings check in to make sure he's okay—and that he's not running low on quality cookies and ice cream:)
The kiddos next door pop in to raid our fridge and candy stash and give “Miss Val” much-needed hugs.
God has been faithful—“All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided.”
I know Thanksgiving is a month away, but I'm definitely giving thanks this morning. Love to you and your family.
I have been so concerned about you and your family. I knew something serious would be keeping you from posting here.
So good to see your update. I will re-read in a bit. Just wanted to let you know you were missed.
Never posted before. I have followed you here for a long time. I think I looked you up online after an article in Southern Living about aprons.
I went to Baylor for undergraduate degree. Retired social worker now living in Amarillo.
Sending prayers
Posted by: Brenda w | October 17, 2021 at 12:26 PM
Have missed you! Thankful your husband is doing better!
Posted by: Shirley Bunn | October 17, 2021 at 01:37 PM
So glad to hear that your husband is doing better, praying for sustaining health and unwavering patience and encouragement. These days many have a story similar in the health department what with COVID. My cousin suffered pulmonary emboli (many) that precipitated his cardiac arrest 2 times, on a vent for over a month, now he's home thank the Lord working through the hard part of rehabilitation. I am also a retired nurse and completely understand exactly what you all are going through. The road is long, one step in front of the other with prayer, you all will prevail. Love, strength, and prayers for you two.
Posted by: Rhonda Barnes | October 18, 2021 at 05:47 AM
Thank you so much, Rhonda. I'm glad to hear your cousin is getting better. And your encouragement is a blessing to me this week.
Posted by: Valerie Luesse | October 18, 2021 at 08:06 AM
Brenda, I so appreciate your prayers. And thank you for following my posts. Always glad to hear from a fellow Bear:)
Posted by: Valerie Luesse | October 18, 2021 at 08:08 AM
Thank you for your concern, Shirley! Glad to be back.
Posted by: Valerie Luesse | October 18, 2021 at 08:09 AM