My keyboard’s getting rusty:) Just when I thought I could get back to Serenity, well . . . we got a little busy again with health issues.
But I’m thinking this morning about a song we learned in choir a hundred years ago. The words were something like this (old lady trying to remember):
In everything give Him thanks.
In everything give Him thanks.
In the good times, praise His name;
In the bad times, do the same.
In everything, give the King of Kings all the thanks.
I won’t sit here and tell you I’m always thankful. Sometimes I’m scared and angry and disappointed and doubtful and “why, why, why.” That’s the truth. But if you can be patient and still and just wait for God’s time to show itself, you’ll find your gratitude. You’ll find your reason for gratitude. I’ve seen that this weekend.
Over the past few days, Dave and I both got a big dose of love and encouragement that we didn’t even know we needed. With a lot of help from his primary doctor, he finally got a much-hoped-for appointment with a specialist at UAB in February and a better situation with his current clinic. Aischa the Wonder Nurse from St. Vincent’s Home Health paid us a visit, leaving us with a good report and a good plan of action (plus a Santa sleigh load of supplies to help keep Dave healthy). My kitchen and my deck are finally functional after making it over the final hurdles of a remodel.
How about that. Thursday morning looked dark and discouraging. By Saturday afternoon, the sun was out again. “In everything give Him thanks.”
My mother keeps telling me, “You have some GREAT friends.” She’s right. We’re blessed there. And we’re blessed with family and church family and each other. We’re blessed with calls and prayers and deliveries of food and cards and flowers—even pumpkins. (Cheeto is far too proud to admit that he too needs friends to lean on, so he sends thanks to his “auxiliary staff” for coming through with the Fancy Feast when we’ve been in the hospital.) Thanks to the Three Kiddos next door for occasionally raiding the Shack and reminding me that, as long as we’ve got chocolate and Capri Suns, everything will be alright.
“In everything, give Him thanks.”