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April 17, 2022


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Brenda Williams

So glad to see your post. Praying for you and your husband.

Blessed wishes for healing and renewal this Easter.

Valerie Luesse

Thank you, Brenda!

Betty Betts

What a wonderful message! A poem by Rod McKuen says “it takes the bad times to make the good times”. It sure seems that way. When bad times hit us, we look back and say those past times were really good! At my age today, 70, and after losing so many loved ones, with my own husband not doing so great, I thank God every day for a blessed day. My family is well, no hospitals, no serious problems, and a beautiful day in the south! So live, love, and enjoy life and God’s wonderful blessings. Thank you, Valerie, for sharing your joys!

Valerie Luesse

Thank you so much, Betty!

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I come from a long line of feisty Southern women—women with wit and wisdom, faith and strength.

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