Mama and Daddy came over yesterday for a belated birthday/early Mother’s Day celebration for her. I think this is only the second time in my life that I haven't been on her church pew on Mother’s Day. But I know she understands why I can’t be there because she’s one of the reasons I have all that I need to do what Dave and I have to do right now. (Daddy’s the other one:) I've watched both of my parents call on their faith in God to get through "many dangers, toils, and snares."
Mama and I often look at each other like some strange, exotic creature. We’re very different people. She’s an extrovert to my introvert. She sees things clearly, realistically, in black and white. I wander around in a perpetual gray area of “yeah, but what if . . .” Mama is very strong and very brave. I am not. But I’m stronger and braver than I thought I was, thanks to her, because while she taught me many things, as it turns out one of the most important ones was how to “back my ears.” (If you didn’t grow up on a farm, some animals, when faced with something they don’t want to do, will lay their ears back.) “Sometimes,” Mama has often said, “you’ve just gotta back your ears and get through something.” Dave and I have done some serious ear-backing over the past year.
I wish I were more like her. I wish I could swim like a fish. (She still can.) I wish I could handle a firearm. (I’ve always had an aversion to sudden loud noises and, hence, all firearms.) I wish I could feed forty family members in a bare-bones kitchen with two feet of counter space and an old-school pressure cooker that Mama assured me would blow us all up if I so much as set foot in the kitchen before the turkey was done. (I have spacious countertops and an array of appliances, but I can still ruin a meatloaf for four.)
I wish I had her baking skills, her green thumb, and her ability to take whatever she is given and be thankful. That first one is never going to happen. But the last two? My geraniums don’t look half-bad. And while I try my best to look forward, looking back on the past year makes me very thankful. Dave and I have had many moments of, “How on earth did we get through that?”
But we did get through it, and we will get through it. We’ve been blessed with many friends and family members praying for us “without ceasing.”
Thank you, my sweet, funny, strong, faithful believer Mama. I’ll miss you today . . . but not really. You’re always right here with me. Happy Mother's Day with lots of love.
Beautiful tribute to this lovely lady.
Posted by: Nancy Dorman-Hickson | May 08, 2022 at 06:34 AM
This is beautiful Val. Keep on counting. Those blessings Girl. Love you ❤️🎵🎶🌹🥀🌷🎼🌺💕🌻🌼🎆🎈☦️
Posted by: Cindy. Hicks | May 08, 2022 at 08:44 AM
Thank you, my sister friend and sweet cousin!
Posted by: Valerie Luesse | May 08, 2022 at 01:38 PM