Dave and I aren't always kindred gardening spirits. He likes order and evergreens. I like a little chaos and anything that blooms. But we're both fans of the Lady Banks rose that takes over our back yard every spring. AND I have recently learned that Dave likes wisteria as much as I do. I know, I know. It's so invasive, it can devour entire ranch houses. But I love the way it just appears in the woods, washing all the trees in fragrant purple. (We're especially grateful for trees in my neighborhood since we lost so many last spring.) Lady Banks was a gift. She was here when I bought the house. And every spring, she drapes over the pathway in our back yard and sprints up the hill by the Story Shack to climb a few trees. No thorns. Just long, graceful willows of pretty yellow flowers. With flowers like that, she can cover anything in my yard she wants to. Except maybe Hank the Cat. Hey, where is that cat, anyway?